Join our #bowedbabe team!!
- Shopping DISCOUNT for your babe
- FREE samples/products
- pre-shop opportunities
- private squad community chat
- behind the scenes VIP info
- DISCOUNT code to share with family + friends
- LOVING our products
- Being helpful in the VIP/Social media
- taking timely photos of products on your babe
- sharing upcoming info + products
- Tiny monthly min purchase (so you stay current on our seasonal bows)
- Utilize instagram/facebook for promotional purposes
How to enter:
1) FIND, LIKE + share THIS GRAPHIC on OUR instagram feed:
(simply screen shot our IG, crop + share to your instagram*)
2) on the SAME slide add a photo of your babe
3) Use the hashtag #bowedbabeREP
4) TAG @BOWEDBYJES on instagram in the photo **
#4 is the MOST important - we will NOT see your entry if you do not tag us
** make sure you're following us on instagream + facebook **
For BONUS entrees use the same hashtag #bowedbabeREP on up to THREE photos of your babe on instagram - I love to see their personality SHINE!
*if your account is not public please PM me on Instagram @bowedbyjes so I can follow you, otherwise we will NOT see your entry*
TIP: while posed *cheesing* photos are what we see a TON of - thats not the ONLY thing we look for. Here are a few things we love to see:
- uncluttered backgrounds
- well lit photos - by a window or outside usually works!
- minimal filters - we dont want to confuse people as to what color/print bows actually are.
- photos of them NOT looking work too! let them BE little - let them have fun!
:: Rep Search will Run from 3/1 THROUGH friday 3/8 - Team will be notified privately + then announced publically on 3/10 ::